For the last year NEST have been hosting free online webinars to the Martial Arts industry every month to provide insight, share knowledge and help the Martial Arts community to grow. Since we started these back in May 2023 we have dived into relevant and impactful topics such as student retention, growing your club and safeguarding which has seen over 350 attendees, 800 video views, and high engagement and interaction on social media.
With plans to improve and expand in 2024 and we have opened the topics to our clients’ suggestions to maximise growth potential and provide crucial business advice and accurate information to Martial Arts school owners.
Not only do our webinars provide the Martial Arts community with valuable insight but a topic for discussion that can be used as training in your school. By creating actionable steps for webinar attendees to take away and implement in their school, we can add additional value to these free webinars and further encourage schools to take action.
One of our clients that has maximise our webinars potential is Sarah Down, owner and coach of Phoenix Judo Club, who utilised one of our webinars “Keep 100% of students in the first 3 months” and transformed it into a team workshop. From the information, which was presented in the webinar, Sarah wanted to take action.
After looking at their clubs real time KPIs on the NEST system, they noticed that their attrition rates were higher than average, so they wanted to take action to combat this issue so they could reach their own personal goal of achieving 200 students by May.
"Having watched the webinar previously, I know it had some good examples and tips that we could easily apply to our school."

Sarah wanted to educate the team on the cost of getting a new member, and the webinar content along with the case studies, provided the perfect information for her to watch with her team and figure out how they can apply it their business. So, they printed out the 3-month welcome journey template on the NEST system (available to all NEST members) and worked as a team to write down their own unique process.
Since the training, Sarah and her team have taken several steps to achieve their KPIs of reducing attrition rates and increasing memberships including:
- Making steps to ensure the club environment is more welcoming, always clean, has new furniture and more equipment.
- Writing down their welcome process to ensure that all members of the team knew the process for inducting new students.
- Introduced more retention tools within the first 3 months of students joining, (e.g., recognition and rewards).
- Added more automatic emails when people first join to encourage them to sign up on the day or within the first few days, rather than waiting another week.
Time will tell if these actions provide the results Sarah and her team desire but by utilising the webinars to benefit their club it has allowed them to improve their team communication, create a plan of action and implement improvements to their school which in turn will increase their businesses success.
“Don’t just watch the webinars, take action immediately, plan what you want to do and what your goals are, and take a look at which ones are most relevant to your business.”
Here at NEST, we value our clients and their feedback of our products and services, as we are always looking to develop and improve our services to better benefit them and the students involved.
Recently we have implemented Super User Groups to allow our clients to provide honest and open feedback on products and latest updates which has allowed us to improve our services and better suit the needs of our clients. We have also been working on creating more valuable resources for the entire industry including webinars, guides and email mailers which are to educate, encourage business evolution and in a nutshell, to simply inspire the Martial Arts community.
For all our previous webinars visit here.