Marketing over Christmas

With the run up to Christmas and many schools closing for a Christmas break, in this week’s blog, I am going to give you some tips that can help keep the business side of things ticking over and maybe get some new leads, while you enjoy some time off.

Jack Bradley - Marketing Executive

Schedule it in

schedule it in

Facebook is an amazing platform for raising awareness of your business as you are probably already aware. While you’ve been hard at work promoting your page and generating interest in your business, don’t let the Christmas holiday period detract from the momentum.

“But you said I could enjoy some time off!”

And you can! Facebook has the wonderful ability to schedule your posts, adverts and boost posts. It’s worth taking time before you ‘shut up shop’ for Christmas to plan some posts and schedule them to go live during your time off. You could use the time to post about any upcoming offers for the new year, your January campaign materials, important announcements or even a ‘Happy Christmas’ message. This keeps your page active while you enjoy your Christmas pudding.

Boost those likes

boost those likes

Along with scheduling your posts over the Christmas Holidays, you can also run an advertisement to increase page likes. This will help get more people to your page and as a result, more people will see those lovely scheduled posts you have made.

“I have already spent a fortune on Christmas, now I have to spend thousands on advertising!?”

Admittedly, advertising isn’t free, but it’s up to you how much you spend. Starting from £1 a day you can set up your ‘Facebook Likes’ advert (or any other advert you wish) to reach a small number of people. Facebook has some great tools that allow you to adjust your budget to what you want to spend and then shows you the expected results. To get a better idea of how this works along with some useful tips, our own Facebook expert Justin has created an overview of Facebook marketing.

Come back to bookings

come to bookings

Wouldn’t it be great if you could come back to work after your time off and find that you have several bookings for trial lessons?

“Yes, that would be great… what’s the catch?”

There is no ‘catch’ just things you can do to increase the chances of this. If you’ve opted to make the above changes, then this could hopefully increase your Facebook Page’s engagement, but once people are there, where should they go? They should ideally be directed to your website or Get Into Martial Arts listing and you can do this by updating your call to action button on your facebook page. This will allow all these new visitors to your page to easily see the classes you offer when they are available and the ability to book. This helps keep things ticking over nicely while you’re away.

Closing time

clock displaying the importance of time

So you have scheduled your posts, you have decided to run some Facebook adverts and you have the ‘book now’ button in place. You’re all set to sit back, relax and enjoy Christmas right?

“I sure am, time to sit back and relax!”

Hang on just one second; I have one final thing to cover. Regardless of if you decide to do any of the suggestions above, it is important that you do this… Tell your students and potential leads visiting your Facebook page or website, the dates you are closed for Christmas! This can be done via email, updating your website with a notice on the front page or putting a notice on Facebook. It is especially important that you update your Get Into Martial Arts listing to prevent people from booking on to lessons while you are not there.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure your business is kept running smoothly while you are away.

If you would like any help with anything mentioned above, do not hesitate to get in contact with us either by phone 0115 945 5030 or by email

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