Wrap Up – What Have We Learned?

Thanks for staying with me right until the end! I hope you’ve seen a positive shift in bookings in the last 3 months

We’ve come to the end of our journey! By now you’re an SEO Master and you’re seeing the fruits of your labour as more bookings start to roll in. Hopefully you’re now ranking higher than ever before for your particular Martial Art and local area.

Just to wrap up, almost everything we’ve spoke about in the last 3 months as come down to three things: Write Content, Get Links & Technical Tweaks.

1 – Write Content

Content keeps your site updated, relevant and visible. Not just through Google rankings, but through Social Media and engagement with visitors. Content is king. Keep updating, keep writing and keep adding photos.

When Google (and any other search engine) scans your website, they’re looking for as much uniquerelevant and new content as possible. The more often you update a blog about your Academy, or your specific Martial Arts style, or how you’ve benefited the local community the higher you’re going rank. The ideal length for a blog post is between 700 – 1500 words and try and use some images to illustrate your points. Check out Week Two for more tips.

Update your Home page and About Us page every 3 months to keep your site fresh. (See Week Twelve)

2 – Get Links

Have your site listed as many relevant places as possible. Google My Business, Get Into Martial Arts, Yelp, Independent, The Sun, BBC Get Inspired, talk to your local University or NUS about a fitness listing (see Week Four for more detail), try and guest blog on relevant websites. Also try and have your blog posts and homepage linked as often as possible on Social Media.

3 – Technical Tweaks

Make sure your blog posts have a good structure (see Week Five for more info), keep your images small and make sure key pages of your site (Home, About Us) are full of content. Make sure your images have alt-tags (see Week Two). If you’re running a campaign aimed at a specific audience, create a landing page aimed at that audience.

What Next?

If you’ve found a passion for SEO, there are loads of resources out there. Visit https://moz.com for a massive range of tools and articles, and have a look on YouTube as many people will share tips and tricks. If you’ve found something that works for you, be sure to post about it in the NEST Community Facebook page as I’m sure others wold appreciate advice on what works for the Martial Arts world.

Thanks again for taking the Bootcamp, if you have any questions you can reach me at joe.marshall@nestmanagement.co.uk


Week One: Why SEO? Social Accounts. Google My Business.

Week Two: Analytics, Blogs and Homepage

Week Three: YOAST Plugin, New Blog Post, Directories

Week Four: Link Building and Directories

Week Five: Blogs, Blogs, Blogs!

Week Six: Is Your ‘About Us’ page really selling you?

Week Seven: Making a Landing Page

Week Eight – Can’t Someone Else Do It?

Week Nine: Some Technical Tweaks

Week Ten: What are your competitors doing?

Week Eleven: Keep Page Load Time Down

Week Twelve: Don’t Let Things Stay The Same

Wrap Up – What Have We Learned?

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